Olivier Rochet, fondateur d'IRRQuest® Olivier Rochet, fondateur d'IRRQuest®

Olivier Rochet, #ValueIsTheWorldsLeader #SustainableValueImpact #WeAreValuE

Avec un track record réussi dans l'accompagnement conseil d'investissements atteignant une performance et une rentabilité accrues, Olivier doit ses accomplissements à sa chasse de l'excellence, à son expérience - et à ceux qui l'ont rendue possible - aussi vaste que poussée de l'entreprise, enfin à son investissement continu dans son développement personnel et professionnel. Diplômé de l'École Centrale Paris (promotion 1997), et d'un Executive MBA HEC (promotion 2014), Olivier a débuté dans l'industrie avant d'élargir le champ de son action par le conseil. Président fondateur en France de Finance SMO en 2010 (Élysées Corporate Partners), il est le créateur du framework intégré de la valeur et logiciel edXirr by IRRQuest® asset stratégique du fonds d'investissement IRRQuest Group qu'il a fondé en 2016 aux États-Unis. Le 3 Septembre 2023, il donna naissance à Astrée, nation nouvellement créée dont le système de gouvernance repose rigoureusement sur les Principes de la Valeur tels que définis dans la Duologie de la Valeur. Il développa par ailleurs son focus comme joueur de guitare amateur (médaillé d'or en accordéon dans sa jeunesse), et comme compétiteur de karting (13ème du Championnat de France en 2002).


Savoir est un bon Début. Pratiquer permet de Comprendre. Mais le monde a besoin de prise de CONSCIENCE.
La Communauté d'Impact par la Valeur a besoin de VOUS pour diffuser davantage de Stratégie & Finance dans le Monde.

#WeAreValuE #WAVESoutenez | We Are ValuE | #BeatThemAll #ValueMasters

Derniers Blogs

La Valeur est LE leader du monde. Valeur commence avec Valeurs, alors que la prise de conscience permet de changer les règles de la Valeur.
Savoir et compréhension sont un pré-requis. Seule la pratique permet de se développer: choisissez LA solution.

Tomorrow is the Vision

Tomorrow is the Vision

Tomorrow is the Vision. In practical terms, it is the Path to it. It is framed by Mind and Persistence. Actions and habits make it happen. It can be planned or simply followed, lived, enjoyed; or both. With an appropriate Focus, it is what increases the certainty of an output, based on Principles.

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Value is THE world's leader - Part 7

Get obsessed with Value! Part 7

First it is by providing executives (and aspiring to executive management, as well as anyone committed to Fast-Learning!) with practical solutions that make it simpler to manage value creation and focus on what matters most, therefore highly configurable solutions to your specific purpose and goals. It brings in more than an MBA knowledge (I went through it, but it targets more business executives than investment management professionals, and Private Equity knowledge is the best I know to manage value creation; nevertheless mastering business administration and operational value creation levers should go along with), and it is even more valuable because it is integrated and it has been built based on a varied professional experience in nearly all businesses functions with expertise in the key disciplines that contribute most to value creation.

Second it is HOW you will use it. And it’s been designed so that you will learn much faster, you will be able to integrate your own challenges whatever they are, and leverage everything that matters to value while getting on the one hand a direct connection and innovative management opportunities with the front-end (key) and back-end (front-end wired) of your business, and developing on the other hand forward-looking / market opportunities / value focused habits.

What about the key findings that show the potential of a highly integrated solution focused on Value?

One preliminary finding is that strategy and finance, that are key areas to manage value, are not spread enough — especially not accessible to small businesses, even more in my native country than in the US (US advisory market’s largest segment — 2015 market search data — is corporate strategy, that accounts for around 30% of the management and marketing consultancy domestic market, while in France..

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Future is Now

Future is Now

Future is Now, not Tomorrow. Future is the Present I want to Experience. Mindfulness Meditation is a way to experience it, well. Combined with Awareness Meditation, I can create and live a lasting positive future, wisely unlocking my full Potential.

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Value is THE world's leader - Part 6

Get obsessed with Value! Part 6

The point here is: it is much better to have a Framework that guides you in the process of estimating a future situation and prepare yourself and your team, than only relying on your advisors. CEOs, CFOs and even professionals benefit from it to..

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Value is THE world's leader - Part 5

Get obsessed with Value! Part 5

For a business, value is regarded as a measure of the market value of equity (or price of equity or equity value). For a private company, it is derived from the Enterprise Value (EV), which measures the market value for both debt..

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